A restaurant owner using an online menu maker

Boosting Reservations: Maximizing Online Marketing Channels for Restaurants

From crafting mouthwatering menu descriptions to curating the perfect playlists, anyone in the service industry knows that an enormous amount of effort goes into creating a buzz-worthy restaurant experience.

However, even the most brilliantly planned venue is subject to poor sales if it relies on word-of-mouth referrals alone. In fact, it’s estimated that one in three restaurants will fail within their first year, and even long-term establishments are vulnerable to reduced profits in our current economic climate.

Fortunately, online marketing for restaurants can help ensure your establishment sees the sales it deserves. In this guide, we’ve boiled down leading restaurant marketing tips so that you can draw in more diners and guarantee those efforts are appreciated.

Creating engaging content

Boosting restaurant reservations starts with creating engagement content. How so?

According to a recent survey, 62% of diners turn to Google to search for restaurants. Another 37% scroll social feeds to select a spot to chow down. Engaging content on these platforms may be exactly what captures their attention.

There are dozens of ways to create content that captivates, such as:

  • High-quality photos and videos: Research indicates that food images may stimulate hunger hormones in viewers. At the same time, 61% of consumers say they want food service businesses to post photos of dishes and drinks across their social channels. You shouldn’t limit yourself to static snaps, either. Videos, be it a reel of your restaurant’s views or a behind-the-scenes look at your kitchen, may increase conversion rates by 80%.
  • Contests and giveaways: Contests and giveaways are a surefire way to bolster engagement and lure customers. A few ideas include:
    • Share a post to win a gift card
    • Leave a review to win a prize (like a complimentary cocktail)
    • Online restaurant promotions, such as a late-night happy hour
  • Stand-out posts: While posting visuals of your food is one of the most effective restaurant marketing strategies, you might benefit from splicing up your posts with other forms of content, like customer testimonials, live Q&A with your executive chef, and “lifestyle” reels that capture your venue’s vibe.

Paid social media advertising

Here’s another reason why online marketing for restaurants is key: 45% of consumers have dined at a new eatery after discovering it on a social platform.

While it’s certainly possible to pop onto consumers’ radars through trending hashtags and content that begs to be shared, paid social media marketing for restaurants has plenty of perks:

  • Enhanced brand awareness
  • Enriched engagement
  • Cost-effectiveness

How can you maximize your ad spend? By zeroing in on your target audience and scheduling ads to “air” right when your demographic might be feeling their first pangs of hunger (like 3:15 pm and 7 pm).

Enhancing your website and SEO

Another recent survey shows that 65% of diners book reservations directly from a restaurant’s website, which means that a well-designed and optimized website is one of the most essential ingredients in restaurant online marketing.

What does this look like in practice?

Essentially, your website should feature:

  • Intuitive navigation
  • Eye-catching visual elements
  • Alluring menu descriptions
  • Customer testimonials and reviews

Would you prefer to keep your menu separate from your social links and the press you’ve received? Consider the power of embedding an interactive PDF—a dynamic file that gives users an immersive and compelling experience.

Website optimization tips

In addition to making sure your site is mobile-friendly, you may want to weigh the value of implementing:

  • Local SEO best practices, such as keywords prospective customers in your area might type into a search (like “best fish tacos in Laguna Beach,” for example, or “Philadelphia family dining”)
  • Additional keywords to describe your restaurant in general
  • A seamless booking experience
  • Contact forms that enable you to stay in touch with your clientele

Email marketing campaigns

Forget the rumors that email marketing is a thing of the past—the practice remains one of the most resilient restaurant marketing strategies at work today. In fact, 60% of consumers state that marketing emails have had a hand in where they’ve chosen to open their wallets.

There are plenty of ways to leverage email marketing, like:

  • Welcome emails that include a discount
  • Personalized messages (like a complimentary dessert on the recipient’s birthday)
  • Announcements of seasonal dishes
  • Recipe tutorials

Remember to include a call to action (CTA) within your email, whether reserving a table or buying tickets to an upcoming event. Additionally, make sure that your emails adhere to email compliance regulations.

Building your email list

At this point, you may be wondering, How can I gather email addresses to get my restaurant email marketing off the ground?

A few ideas include:

  • Creating an opt-in pop-up on your website that invites users to subscribe
  • Paying for ads that lead consumers to opt-in forms
  • Offering an incentive to those who provide their email address (such as a discounted entree)

Online advertising and PPC campaigns

True, a potential diner might happen upon your eatery simply by asking Siri for the “best seafood in Seattle.” However, powerful online restaurant marketing requires a multi-pronged, comprehensive approach.

Enter restaurant advertising via PPC (pay-per-click) campaigns, which let you place ads right where prospective diners might find them: on search engines and social media, such as Facebook and Google.

By doing so, you may generate more traffic to your website, expand your visibility, and persuade more consumers to try your eatery.

This is an especially delicious option for small or new restaurants or those that don’t yet rank high on search engine results pages. One of the best parts?

PPC advertising is kind to your bottom line. You pay only if a person clicks on your ad.

Setting up PPC campaigns

While you might call in an expert to take over your restaurant’s online marketing, you can also get involved yourself by:

  • Conducting keyword research
  • Analyzing your competition (and raising the bar)
  • Creating irresistible ads complete with compelling headlines and succinct descriptions
  • Segmenting your audience

Measuring ROI

How can you tell if your PPC ads are actually leading to more customers?

Determine your campaign’s ROI through this standard solution: subtract the cost of the PPC ad from the revenue you gained, then divide that figure by the cost again. Then, make adjustments where necessary…or bask in the sight of your restaurant at full capacity.

Amplify your efforts with FLIPpages

Online marketing for restaurants is as vital to a venue’s success as excellent cuisine and an expertly-trained staff.

FLIPpages takes the task to bright new heights. From DIY digital menus to interactive catalogs, we help restaurateurs like you make a lasting impression with audiences—one that may entice customers and crank up your profits.

Flip your way to a more fruitful future by starting your free trial today.

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