
The Benefits of Using Interactive PDFs for College Brochures

Grabbing the attention of high school and college students can be a real challenge nowadays. Constantly exposed to eye-catching visuals and dynamic content online, they’re unlikely to be impressed by old-fashioned printed college brochures.

Even if your university’s brochure is digital, it won’t stand out unless it offers something unique—animations, videos, or interactive quizzes. Without these engaging elements, teens will likely scroll right past and forget about it.

However, interactive PDFs can transform your brochures into dynamic, informative, and highly effective recruitment tools, helping your institution differentiate itself in a crowded and competitive marketplace.

In this guide, we’ll explore the limitations of traditional college brochures and the many benefits of interactive PDFs. We’ll also highlight case studies to demonstrate how you can leverage this technology to boost engagement and attract top-tier students to your school.

Why traditional college brochures fall short

Printed college brochures face multiple limitations in today’s digital age, including:

  • High costs: Printing and distributing physical brochures can be expensive, especially when trying to reach a large audience. These costs often include design, printing, and mailing fees.
  • Lack of engagement: Traditional brochures are static, making it difficult to capture and maintain the attention of tech-savvy, digitally immersed students who expect interactive experiences.
  • Difficulty updating information: Any changes to program offerings, admissions requirements, or campus news require reprinting the entire brochure, leading to wasted materials and time delays.
  • Limited reach: Printed brochures are geographically bound, often failing to connect with international or remote students who prefer digital content.

These issues underscore the growing need for compelling, updatable, and cost-effective college recruitment materials like interactive PDFs.

The advantages of interactive PDFs for college marketing

Interactive college brochures offer a modern solution to the challenges posed by traditional marketing materials. These digital brochures will excite your audience and improve their recruitment experience via integrated multimedia elements, real-time updates, and engaging features.

Enhanced engagement with prospective students

Who wouldn’t prefer an innovative and interactive digital experience versus looking at a standard, one-dimensional printed document? Naturally, young people are more interested in virtual campus tours, clickable programs, and interactive quizzes than lackluster images and words.

Interactive admission brochures are simply more memorable than the alternative.

Cost-effective and environmentally friendly

Another advantage of digital college brochures is that they cut printing costs drastically and impact the environment less because they don’t require ink or paper (trees).

They are also easily updated and distributed via email or online platforms—there are no reprints. So, you can rest assured that your information remains current and reaches everyone you want.

Analytics and feedback opportunities

Interactive PDF templates offer activity tracking to help you easily see how many people clicked on your content and where and how much time they spent in various areas of the brochure. This data can provide valuable insights into student interests, allowing you to refine your college marketing strategies to better meet prospective students’ needs and preferences.

Case studies: colleges successfully using interactive PDFs

Sometimes, it’s easier to envision leveraging something new—in this case, a DIY interactive PDF—when you know that others have done it before and succeeded. Keep reading to see how two universities implemented this affordable digital marketing tactic and reaped the rewards.

Case study 1: University of Washington

According to a study conducted by the ICEF Monitor, over 70% of students started researching a college by checking out its website. Adding interactive elements is a great way to generate interest and provide information in a fun and engaging manner.

The University of Washington has done just this, using direct messaging and dynamic features like interactive PDFs to create a more immersive online experience for prospective students.

Case study 2: Imperial College

Realizing that Generation Z prefers personalized and captivating content, Imperial College rose to the challenge, integrating interactive PDFs, graphics, and charts into its website. In doing so, it’s seen engagement levels rise as prospective students respond to its visually dynamic and interactive approach. This tailored content not only captures the attention of its audience but also effectively conveys key information.

How to get started with interactive college brochures

It’s easy to start using interactive college brochures, even if you’ve never done so. Follow these tips:

  • Convert your print brochure: Using FLIPpages, easily transform existing print documents into digital editions. Simply upload your PDFs, choose a theme, and hit publish—it’s as simple as that!
  • Include engaging elements: To generate interest, add clickable links, videos, interactive forms, quizzes, and other multimedia content.
  • Prioritize a user-friendly design: Make sure your brochure’s navigation is clear and intuitive, with well-organized content and visuals like charts or graphics to break up text.
  • Focus on accessibility: Use alt text, readable fonts, and high contrast to make your interactive college brochures more accessible to visually impaired students.
  • Test across devices: Confirm your digital brochures are compatible with various platforms and devices. And don’t forget to gather feedback so you can continuously improve your recruitment efforts!

Maximize engagement with interactive PDFs

As you can see, interactive PDFs make college brochures much more impactful and effective, especially for an audience used to engaging with digital content through videos, social media, and other interactive platforms.

By modernizing its marketing materials, your university can strengthen its connections with tech-savvy students and differentiate itself from the competition. Adopting these more advanced tools is critical to staying relevant and attracting prospective students.

Ready to take your recruitment brochures to the next level?

Explore FLIPpages’ innovative solutions today, and start creating interactive marketing materials that will truly set your institution apart.

Start your free trial—because we love giving you a test drive.

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